Magma formed from buy-out from Dyson Precision Ceramics
Started Research on Nickel impregnated Catalysts
Opened Vietnamese facility (adding a globally competitive plant manufacturing quality, chemical cast, fired refractory shapes).
Formed a joint venture with Morgan Advanced Materials and acquired its Thermal Ceramics UK, Fired Shapes production facility based in Wirral.
Acquisition of Eco Technical Ceramics, Bolton A vacuum formed fibre shapes facility, offering insulating fibre shapes in both RCF and Bio-Soluble materials.
Acquisition of E2SL Rotherham forming Magma Combustion Engineering division
Acquisition of P&E Systems Huddersfield manufacturer of Electrical Control Panels specifically for Hazardous Area Systems.
UNICAT Catalyst Technologies LLC, a portfolio company of White Deer Energy, a US private equity firm, completes acquisition of Magma Group.
The merger of two successful entrepreneurial companies creates a tremendous opportunity for the market to have one supplier for the complete Syngas and Hydrogen production line of catalysts and absorbents.